Monday, August 8, 2011

Does this difference between us matter too much to get engaged?

Well I love him and I want to marry him. He is going to ask me to get married soon I know. But friends and family say we're too different. I'm 25 and I am like most of my friends in terms of interests and lifestyle. I don't really "get" older people that much but nothing against them or anything. Anyway, he is 35 but lives more like an even older man. He wears Lands End or LL Bean kind of clothes. He reads history and has a cell phone but not a smart phone (like its five years ago). He likes baseball and football but nothing like snowboarding or skating or the stuff the guys I dated in school liked. He reads serious stuff like Atlantic Monthly (I think he reads that) and watches the PBS news show with that older guy. He still reads Playboy and I'm pretty sure he the last guy on the planet who still does. Not to be superficial but my guy is like some man from the past and sometimes that's great (most of the time) and he is mature and responsible. He knows business and legal stuff and gives great practical advice to me and my friends, some of who think of him more like a father figure because he's so level-headed and most guys are kind of dumb and lazy (but some are hot like the guys at the Jiffy Lube). But sometimes I worry that he is much too old fashioned and set in his ways. We have a great intimate life and he is giving and generous and affectionate so that is not an issue. But are we too different in our lifestyle? Can I do anything to get over this?

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